CPT refers to the cost of reaching each thousand people of the target audience with the advertising message. CPI is the cost of each inquiry received, ie total advertising cost divided by the number of inquiries received. Lowest CPT doesn’t necessarily produce the lowest CPI, neither CPC.

Showing genuine concern and understanding is vital for empathy. Understanding is not necessarily the same as agreeing, which can be important where the issue needs investigating before finally resolving. Lower Academically-Minded Person.Euphemistic reference to an idiot, or someone who’s behaviour resembles one.
Lifestyle and demographics profiles acronyms
Incidentally the conventional version Doctor of Philosophy is from the literal Latin origin Philosophiae Doctor. The two less serious versions are normally used quite independently of each other in different situations, although together they do have a certain ring, if that’s an acceptable word in this context, which it probably isn’t. Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard.One of the great modern acronyms. Usage not restricted to the computer operators – apply to any situation where the human element contributes the weakest link. Oh Shit I Never Thought Of That.Rarely admitted but often thought.
- A warning for self or others as to the risks of complacency, over-complication, arrogance, pride , etc.
- Other Buggers’ Efforts.This alternative meaning probably began in the British Army where it was a jibe at senior officers said to have been awarded the OBE by virtue of their troops’ work.
- Social, Legal, Economic, Political, Technological.’SLEPT analysis’ is a business review method similar to PEST or SWOT for assessing factors enabling or obstructing the business’s performance, and typically its development potential.
- Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code.Acronym name for the early computer programming language.
Potentially counter-productive if the recipient doesn’t understand what it means… Hard-up Old Person Expecting Full Useful Life.Another poignant demographics acronym. Could be a great name for the next governement initiative on pensions… High Earning Worker.Demographic acronym, representing the UK’s 534,000 people who earn more than £100,000 per household and yet regard themselves as ‘working class’, according to the Future Foundation . Guardian Reader Of Limited Intelligence, Ethnic Skirt.
Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden.For chauvinists everywhere. Healthcare acronym to describe an elderly person with no specific diagnosis, but just generally deteriorating. Greying, Leisured, Affluent, Married.Another wonderful demographics acronym. Less earthy and somewhat more detached than the MILF alternative. God Alone Knows.Originally British First World War doctor’s shorthand on a traumatised soldier’s medical report for shell-shock or other nervous disorder .
The SMARTER version below is more powerful and relevant for the moden world because it includes the essential philosophical aspect. Avoid interpretations that include both Achievable and Realistic because the words effectly mean the same so is a waste of a word. (See theSmartie Hunt team building gameand MMM acronym.) See the different SMART and SMARTER posters on theposters page. Other words are used for depending on the situation, listed in the SMARTER entry. The SMART acronym/model is often very effective in conjunction with theAIDA communications model.

Essentially a maritime term, but actually transferable to anyone who blusters and blunders about, having no regard for the safety of others, and no control of the forces that they seek to dominate. The WAFI expression is however far more potent and meaningful when applied to certain leaders of governments and large corporations who embark on or maintain activities and policies which recklessly and arrogantly endanger and undermine people’s well-being and safety everywhere. The WAFI leader is a sad phenomenon of the modern age that will come to an end when ordinary people use their collective power to change things. In the same spirit , HALO is interpreted a little cruelly by some to meanHelp A Loser Out, in which the motive is decent if the attitude is somewhat patronizing or cynical.
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To the Japanese, they are both still revered as industrial icons. Superb nurses abbreviation shorthand for the worst patients. Commonly and covertly used in Los Angeles, and no doubt elsewhere. Polite and probably US version of the English’POETS day’ expression, and later adopted as a brand name for the TGI-Friday’s American themed restaurant-bar chain founded in New York in 1965.
Assuming Room Temperature.Paramedic term for the condition of a patient when all hope is gone, ie., dead. Technically only a physician can declare someone dead, so the paramedics use this acronym to get around the protocol, not least when absence of life would be obvious to even a blind gerbil. In this context, ‘assuming room temperature’ means that casinoxmetaverse since the patient is dead their body is no longer regulating its own temperature and instead is ‘assuming the temperature of the ambient’. Alert, Oriented times 3 .Nurses’ and doctors shorthand used on patients’ notes; this acronym transfers especially well to training sessions, to highlight the characteristics of someone fully alert and aware .
First Of A Kind.An acronym to illustrate the development or attainment of uniqueness, relevant to developing sales and business propositions, USP’s and value-added offerings. Find Inform Restrict Extinguish.One of those wonderful acronyms in which the new word actually relates to the subject; this one for student fire-fighters, and anybody else for that matter, since it represents the essential rules and process of dealing with fires. First In First Out.Originally an accounting term, to provide a convention for writing down the balance sheet value of assets of the same type. Applies to any situation where the oldest go first and the newest stay longest, but a perilous policy in terms of staff. More controversially FIFO describes the uncaring autocratic culture of certain employers -Fit In or F Off.
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Assessing and using POMO is also greatly aided by tools such asSWOTand PESTanalysis, which suggest the main strategic issues to consider when populating a weighted decision-making template. Free On Board/Fresh Off the Boat.FOB is an import/export term relating to the point at which responsibility for goods, insurance, and costs of transport, passes from seller to buyer . The FOB expression originates from the meaning that the buyer is free of liability up to the point that the goods are loaded on board the ship.
‘Bacronyms’ – Reverse Acronyms
The acronym does not signify a sequential process, but instead the elements contained within it. The element called Throughcare might alternatively be represented as Aftercare . We must assume that Throughcare was preferred because devising a useful mnemonic with three A’s, a C and and R would have been impossible. There is an interesting lesson in this, aside from illustrating the elements of a rehabilitation process, namely that a good acronym should be memorable and distinct in its abbreviated and full form, and unfortunately CARAT is not, despite the very worthy aims and activities which underpin it. WIOFYFS is actually a wonderful maxim for developing personal self-reliance and for organisations who want their people to be self-reliant and always growing. Why wait for someone else to give you the answers if you can work it out yourself?
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Thanks Lorna for these fine pictures, and C Yates and R Reid for the suggestions that the last three letters possibly/probably stand forOvercome By Events/Overtaken By Events. OBE is seemingly used in this way in US Defense and US Defense contracting, referring to plans or situations rendered obsolete for the reason implied. Apparently novelist Tom Clancy has used the term in this context.
The quest for empowered people in organisations cuts both ways – the organisation needs to give people more freedom, and people need to take responsibility for finding their own answers and solutions. Managers of course need to support the process of achieving all this (seedelegationand Tannenbaum & Schmidt). GAAFOFY is also a super acronym for daft questions received in a training, teaching and coaching context.
Syndicat des Constructeurs d’Appareils Radiorécepteurs at Téléviseurs.It must be said that this acronym is here for interest rather than humour. It’s a good quiz question, especially if you insist on the accents over the letter e’s. It’s also an example of an acronym entering everyday language whose origins are unknown by 99.99% of the population. A SCART cable or lead is of course the 21-pin device for linking TV and audio and video equipment, developed from the French standards group represented by the root words above, .